

报告题目:Development of alternating magnetic force microscopy and its application to advanced magnetic materials and devices
报告简介:Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) is a widely used magnetic imaging technique, because MFM has a few ten nm spatial resolution and no need of special pretreatment. In recent years, the improvement of spatial resolution and functionalities is required for the research and development of magnetic materials and magnetic devices. My research group has developed a novel form of magnetic force microscopy called alternating magnetic force microscopy (A-MFM) for imaging of DC and AC magnetic fields with ultra-high spatial resolution of less than 5 nm. A-MFM utilizes the frequency modulation of cantilever oscillation induced by applying off-resonant alternating magnetic force to a highly sensitive homemade magnetic tip. A-MFM is the first magnetic force microscopy technique that enables near-surface magnetic imaging. A-MFM has several new functionalities including a) zero detection of magnetic field, b) polarity detection of magnetic field and surface magnetic charge (N pole / S pole), c) stroboscopic AC magnetic field imaging, and d) DC magnetic field imaging with selectable measuring axis even at rough surfaces such as the fractured surface of permanent magnets. We also have developed sensitive high-resolution A-MFM tips by optimizing the magnetic properties of deposited magnetic films for each application. In this presentation, I will talkabout the typical applications and the recent progress of A-MFM.